EU flag Erasmus vect POS

Sligo, Ireland, 21.01.2018.

    Dzięki projektowi Erasmus+, "Praktyczne kształcenie mistrzów na turystycznym rynku pracy" i możliwych dzięki temu praktykach zagranicznych można spotkać ciekawych ludzi o innej kulturze niż nasza, poznać ich bliżej, dowiedzieć się ciekawych rzeczy o ich życiu. Jedna z "Host Moms" opowiedziała redaktorowi gazety o swoim życiu a ten tak to opisał w lokalnej gazecie:

     "Helen O'Hara remembers the moment she knew her life would change forever. Alone in her kitchen, she walked into her sitting room and stared at her children's graduation photos hanging on the wall. 'They all had gowns and caps on. That moment gave her the courage to go to college at the age of 48. Starting college at 48 was "rerrifying" she said. But she needn't have worried. An avid reader all her life, Helen took to books like a duck to water. "I loved college" she smiled. "I was in with 18 and 19 yeard olds but I quickly realised my life experiences led me to be far ahead of them, she said. "When I was there I could have brought my bed down to it. I souked up all the learning"

For Helen, the hardest part of college was not being a mother or a student but continuing her community work. "I knew I had to keep getting the experience . When I went for an interview I was able to talk about everything connected with Cranmore and had a good working knowledge of it".

It paid off. Helen had graduated only two months with her Social Studies degree when she landed the job with the Peace Two Project right on her doorstep in Cranmore. It's a dream job for someone who loves working in their own local community. After her years spent as a factory worker, Helen doesn't take a single day for granted

Fast forward15 years and Helen loves her busy job as Community Development Officer at Cranmore Community Co-Op.

Her motto for life? "Get involved. Don't give up on anything. Age is no barrier to anything that you want to do." "

SAM 4354 mniejsze

SAM 4355 mniejsze

Helen O'Hara i nasi uczniowie.

Barbara Szeliga

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