"We are educating champions for the tourist labour market"
carried out as part of the Erasmus+ scheme,
KEY ACTION 1 – Mobility projects in the field of Education, Training and Youth,
by Regional School of Tourism in Polanica Zdroj (4 weeks' internships in Ireland).
The project will be carried out in the period from 02.06.2017 to 31.03.2019
In the project of the vocational training 53 pupils of Regional Tourist School in will be beneficiaries, from classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the competition of techniques of the hotel trade, techniques of tourist services and techniques of feeding and catering services, and 5 carers - of RST teachers.
Your International Training company is an institution taking on from Ireland. YIT has a long-term experience in the organization of traineeships for young people from entire Europe. The company will provide selected places of practice for participants, according to direction of the education, accommodation at Irish host families , full board and the technical care. The company is also ensuring the cultural program including acquainting with customs of the host country. The stay is aimed at not only raising the ability and professional competences and linguistic, but also integration of the group and developing social and cross-cultural competence.
Before setting up in a practice participants will be acquainted with principles HSW, with culture and history of the host country and with principles of ethics and good co-existing with other culture. They will also use the route of English, preparing for the good workmanship of aims of the project
Apprenticeships will be held on three dates:
- the turn of January and February 2018, will leave group of 14 pupils of classes 3 i 4 under the care of one teacher,
- May 2018, will leave group of 20 pupils of classes 1, 2 i 3 under the care of two teachers,
- October 2018 will leave group of 19 pupils of classes 2 i 3 under the care of two teachers.
The main objectives of the project for participants:
- technicians of the hotel trade will meet standards and handlers of hotel guests in Irish hotel objects,
- technicians of feeding and catering services will get to know standards and techniques of the work in the kitchen, including national Irish dishes,
- technicians of the tourist service will get to know standards and procedures of the customer service of travel agencies and/or tourist information office.
- teachers will get additional professional skills, comparing standards and procedures of the country about the long tradition of the real customer service,
All above mentioned participants will raise the level of the acquaintance of English living language as well as will learn the culture, the kitchen, history and customs of Ireland.
For the Regional Tourist School increasing the innovation in the process of educating teenagers and increasing the competitiveness are a main goal of the project of graduates on the labour market.
For the partner taking on an improvement of the quality of a constant vocational training course is a main purpose through the comparative analysis of professional skills of both partners.
Awaited results:
1. for participants:
- acquisition of new skills and of competence, including positive finishing trainings in enterprises confirmed with Europass certificate the Mobility and ECVET
- lengthening the odds on the positive opinion of outside examinations,
- increasing motivation and an interests in professional objects,
- increasing motivation for the research of foreign languages,
- upon completion of practice our pupils will be having a very good chance of an employment on local and European labour market. Pupils after the completion of internship they will be a staff sought by employers, will be having a greater chance of employing a foreign language in prestigious hotels in the region on account of the extensive knowledge, acquaintance of the culture of the country of the arriving guest what will enable the freer conversation with the guest for them, and it will produce his satisfaction from the service. Trainees will get to know new handlers of the guest, will know the specificity of the thinking of foreign guests.
2. for the sending partner:
- improvement in the image of the institution on the local and regional level,
- enhancing and raising the level of the professional teaching through foreign practice,
- getting the awareness of the need for the learning by the entire life
- the promotion of the school and getting the possibility of the better recruitment of pupils for New Years what is long-term action.
3. for the host partner:
- building and getting more distant good experiences in model projects about long-term meaning
Methodology used in the project implementation:
1. monitoring - the current project appraisal will be held through face-to-face conversations with participants, observation of classes and fragmentary reports. Feedback get in the course of these classes will be used systematically to the purpose of possible correcting the quality of action.
2. the evaluation - will be led on the level of the participant and very project:
a) observation of action, interviews, evaluation questionnaire forms,
b) evaluation of the usefulness of the project for getting the value added for beneficiaries, for the sending and accepting institution and for long-term action,
c) opinion of employers on trainees, before and by the mobility.
Results of the evaluation will serve the improvement in action in the future.
The school will be making further efforts of recruiting partners, assisting action for her in the vocational training. We want our pupils not to run away at the performed work than one's foreign friends.
Our students are also trained to pay attention to every detail which may make the guest happy and comfortable.
A special table says that the restaurant really values its guests when they make the extra effort to set the table beautifully.
A beautifully set table is enhanced when we learn some simple napkin folding skills.
The future waitress at our school has taken the time to make the table look really special.
Some napkins are arranged so beautifully that some don't want to use them.
We know that the napkins, folded to a pretty shape, add to the total feel of the setting.
There are some samples of our students studies on decorating classes:
We are aware of the necessity of close corelation between theoretical knowledge gaining at our school and practical training here at Polish hotels and what is more at hotels abroad.
We have been exploring the international hotel market since 2004. Our first destination was Cyprus then Italy, Greece, Great Britain, France, Holland, Switzerland, Germany and Iceland.
After many years of experience on that field, we can say that the idea works well either for our students or for the employers.
Our students train useful skills as room maids, waiters/ waitresses and kitchen staff.
The hotels where the students are sent are carefully chosen and checked.
The school classes and tutorials at our school lasts from September till June. The training programme it is a very important part of the programme of the school and usually taking part after the fulfillment of the classes. The students are offered to participate in the training summer programme as part of their studies.
The authorized contact person representing Regional School of Tourism is : Beata Dreszer – the head teacher
The head teacher entitled the following teachers as the supervisors responsible for contacts with:
- Englishspoken employers - Barbara Szeliga This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Frenchspoken employers - Magdalena Bregin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Germanspoken employers - Barbara Prusak This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overal description of the training terms provided by an employer and a trainee:
The student is provided by the hotel full board ( 3 meals per day) and accommodation (participating in costs of transfer
is negotiated according to each destination)
The employer is obliged to pay the student compensatory money of 180 hours working per month (details in trainee's contract).
The students are only engaged for tasks and exercises strictly reserved to professional educational trainning. The trainee is entrusted with duties in order to develop the sense of responsibility and ensure the professional development. The student does his best to come up to the eployer's expectations
Trainees are fully inssured by THE EUROPEAN HEALTH CARD .
We do confirm that our school is a Polish State Accredited School .